Keep Coming Back

keep_coming_backFrom Sex Addicts Anonymous

Once we decided that we wanted recovery, the hard work began. Few of us began working the program without some hesitation. At each step of the way of surrender that was offered to us, we could choose to do things our own way. We have had to wrestle with that choice again and again.

We have had to work at staying sexually sober, as well as rebuilding our lives and relationships. Sometimes the steps seemed overwhelming. But we found that we had several things working in our favor. We had time and energy available that we used to waste on our addiction. We had our new friends in recovery. And most importantly, we had the God of our understanding to sustain us. Through the program, we were able to face problems that we never had the courage to face before, and to do things we never imagined possible.

This is how recovery has been for us. Each of us has taken steps of courage and leaps of faith. Each of us has contributed, not only to our own recovery, but to the recovery of other suffering sex addicts as well.

We have contributed by showing up at meetings and by sharing our experience, strength, and hope. We have listened to our fellow addicts and supported them in their recovery journey. Like the first members of our fellowship, we continue to remain sexually sober by helping our fellow addict stay sober. Our prayer is that every sex addict who seeks recovery will have the opportunity to find it. And keep coming back.

From Pages 98-99 of the Sex Addicts Anonymous Green Book